I’m listening to Al Mohler’s The Briefing, the October 18th episode, and I just heard that a university will offer a degree in witchcraft in the UK. What? Wow. Just wow.
The Top Read:
‘All You Want to Do Is Worship’
This is a good and interesting read regarding the aftermath of the “spiritual awakening” at Asbury. I really enjoyed the reflections from the student.
Son of Hamas Leader Denounces Hamas
I wasn’t expecting to learn that not only has the son of a Hamas leader denounced Hamas, but that he has fled the Middle East after converting to Christianity! This is a good read with some insider views on Hamas and the war that is ongoing in the Middle East.
Five Bad Substitutes for Discipline
Tim Challies is an absolute machine when it comes to blogging and the massive variety of topics that he touches on from a Christian worldview. Here, he discusses discipline and the poor substitutes that society often pushes upon the people. This is a convicting read.
Can Pro-Life Advocates Lie to Save Lives?
I really appreciate John Piper’s strong stance on this, and yet, my initial thought when I first read the title of this went to the Hebrew Midwives in Egypt and Rahab in Jericho. While I have not thought through the position entirely, I would lean towards “no,” but leaving it open for caveats of some degree (I’m not saying there would be some exceptions, just open for the possibility).
Testing the Spirits
“It’s more important than ever to test the spirits to exercise discernment. Those who confess the true Christ, conquer the world, and conform to the Word of God are from God, but those whose lives are not marked by this pattern are not from God. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. I pray that our churches would exercise discernment so that we might know and experience the reality that the Spirit abides in us.”
3 Core Believes of the Transgender Movement
“The transgender revolution is sweeping. Deeper understanding of it requires us to consider three core beliefs that underly it and make it possible. Though often unarticulated, these beliefs are like the framing of a house, giving the transgender movement its present shape and stability.”
Once, I Was a Peace Advocate. Now, I Have No Idealism Left.
“The story I’m about to tell is one that many progressive Jews can relate to. In some ways, it’s a prototypical arc of a diaspora Jew who has always advocated for nuance. This week, something broke in us. We watched history repeat itself. Not just on the global scale, with the wanton massacre of our people, the savage mass murders and dismemberments of entire families and communities. But for many, my family included, history is repeating itself on a personal level as well.”