First, before I begin this foray into my thoughts on today’s mainstream news, I must lay out this disclaimer: THIS IS MY OPINION. I am not an expert on news and interpretation. I’m just a guy who thinks out loud.
When it comes to the love-hate relationship I have with instant news (read that, instant news, not news in general), I must say that the “instant” part of that makes the hatred of it all the more. And yes, I do hate it. I cannot lie, having instant news is nice. Being in the know, seeing what is going on. I remember my parents getting upset when I didn’t want to watch the infamous “White Ford Bronco” car chase in the 1990’s. But fast-forward to September 11th, 2001, and the instant gratification helped unite the United States as a nation.
But those good times are largely gone. Now, with the outright politicization of news channels for the left and the right, I really cannot stand to hear what’s going on. Yes, I do want to know when something bad happens or when something good happens. Yes, I am completely interested in the news. And no, I will not stop watching, reading, and/or listening to the news. However, when there is a tragedy and news pundits are already politicizing it, (sometimes before the incident has even been resolved), it makes me want to vomit.
One should be able to grieve and process what’s going on before you have someone trying to shove the political solution, or why the solution is wrong/bad/etc., down your throat. Let the families grieve. Let the families mourn. Or, in the rare case, let them celebrate and rejoice. And let them do so in privacy and solitude, if they so desire, without plastering their images, words, emotions, or tears all over the national news.
Will the instant gratification of instant news ever go away? Probably not. Can this be useful? Yes, it can; instant news can also be very beneficial, if not downright good. We must remember…just because we can do something doesn’t necessarily mean that we should. \
As I am writing this, I realize that the same goes for much of social media, being able to go live on platforms such as TikTok or Facebook. Just because you can go live with something doesn’t necessarily mean you should.
I will end with this: I am still going to enjoy instant news, because we live in a fast-paced society where things happen, and lots can change very rapidly. I will, however, always keep in mind that this all comes at a cost; oftentimes it is a human cost, an emotional toll taken on a person, or the persons involved, and not the people sitting in the studios or behind the phones. Take time to think about those who are getting dirty. Take time to think about them. Empathize. Pray.

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