Soli Deo Gloria!
On the Blog: The Bittersweet Taste of Instant News
I reflect on my love-hate feelings towards the news.
My Top Read Pick:
You Cannot Reinvent Yourself
“You are not just an individual. You are not your own creation. You did not invent yourself. You exist in a web of relationships. You are a social animal. Your identity is constituted in relation to other people and in being known by them. Indeed, the social and psychological sciences are increasingly defining personhood in relational terms. The self is no longer seen as an isolated and individual phenomenon but as something formed within a network of relationships and neural connections, a being-in-relation.”
Political Life Begins In the Church
As the church, we must proclaim the Gospel. RC Sproul once said that the Gospel is the proclamation of the person and work of Jesus Christ and the appropriation of the benefits of that work by faith and by faith alone. That must be our political message, not a message of judges, presidents, and elections. Yes, those things matter, but when they eclipse the gospel, they become sin.
Do You Have to “Confess” To Be Saved?
The short answer: No. The longer answer: No, but it happens as a naturally occurring result of salvation.
Caring for Families with Cross-Dressing Children
This was a hard yet convicting read, one that I think all Christians should read and take to heart. Take this to heart not just for dealing with families with cross-dressing children, but all sorts of sin that may be manifest in a person. This is a great article.
Is Obedience a Burden?
In this life, obedience sure can feel like a burden. In view of eternity, it’s not even close.