There are many debates regarding some of the top books for a person to read, and here is my foray into that category. Here my top five books that I believe every Christian should read. Knowing God, by J.I. PackerSpiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, by Donald WhitneyThe Thrill of Orthodoxy, by Trevin WaxPraying the…
Category: Book Review
The Thrill of Orthodoxy – The Book I Want To Give All My Friends
This review might not begin how most reviews begin but let me tell you something about my appetite. I really like food. I like to eat. One time, at a church a long time ago, I was giving a testimony about a mission’s trip I was on. In that testimony, I mentioned my “two favorite…
Gentle and Lowly – A Review
There are several books in the Christian world that exist outside of Scripture as must-reads for Christians. Among these, Knowing God by J.I. Packer is usually at the top. Then, it’s debatable on what follows. I’ve seen titles such as John Piper’s Desiring God, John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, amongst many others. However, with the recent…