This week is a long week.
My Favorite Read as of Late:
The Evangelical Church Is Breaking Apart
Sadly, I agree with almost everything written here, and even have experienced some of it. I wish it weren’t so, but we must refocus our lives on Jesus. We must repent of the fear of man and seek out the fear of the Lord!
Pastors, Fight Against the Fear of Man by Fighting for the Fear of the Lord
“This sinful desire for the approval of others is often called “the fear of man.” We were made to desire loving relationships, acceptance into a community, and the favor of those in authority over us. But the fear of man multiplies and warps these desires into an insatiable hunger for applause, honor, and status.”
Prayer for the Unconverted
This hits hard, and its aim is true.
The Lord’s Work in the Lord’s Way
This is an incredibly encouraging and convicting article, one that if more pastors and ministry leaders embraced, I think that now only the way we do ministry would change, but so would the people we minister to.
Dear Pastor…Your Shepherd Doesn’t Care How Big Your Church Is
“I knew how to talk a big game about pastoring who you’ve got, about not entrusting church growth to production gimmicks and pragmatic methods. But it still hurt that the Lord had not rewarded our faithfulness with success.
Or had he?”