Welcome to Monday! It’s a Holiday, so I get to relax (kind of) today!
On the Blog: Read my article on Broken Churches from last week. Yes, I know that we are broken in sin and will be so until Christ returns, but the local church that isn’t acting as a local church should….is broken.
Today’s Top Read
Cherish the People Who Love Your Children for Who They Are
This is the top read today because yesterday, on the Lord’s Day, one of my children had a rough day, and my church continued to love her for who she is. I have tears trickling down my cheeks as I type these words here. While this article isn’t necessarily targeted towards the church, it applies that way just as much.
The Messy Home Blessing – Why Children Are Worth the Chaos
“Satan, however, preys on all the painful aspects of parenting. He has studied our vulnerabilities and waits to attack in our weakest moments. He makes it all seem so trivial, so unrewarding, so futile. When his temptations come (and they will come), it’s important that another voice rings louder than his in our frustrated and exhausted ears.”
Complete Guide to the 3 Types of Bible Translations
This is a good and interesting read that my wife found and left open on my phone after a conversation on the topic arose at church this past Lord’s Day. I pray the recipient of the article was edified in reading it.
Reading Old Books
Tim Challies is a voracious reader of literature, so when he lays down some suggestions on older books (and authors) to read, it’s worth checking some of them out. Here is a fantastic article on some of those suggestions from Challies.
10 Things You Should Know About the Genres of the Bible
Good read! A lot of people don’t realize there are so many different genres and how much it can tell you about what you’re reading.
The Depressing Dead End of “Your Truth”
“Again, these ideas were unfathomable in former eras, when to “go it alone” in life was seriously dangerous. In agrarian cultures the power of the communal is essential. Everyone plays a vital, interdependent role on the farm. You need each other to survive. Each person’s identity is naturally understood in terms of how it relates to the whole. The idea of total autonomy is not only foolish and foreign; it’s deadly.”