Welcome to May! I know we are a few weeks in and I am a few weeks behind, but life gets busy.
My Favorite Read In Recent Memory
Colorado Driver Switches Place With Dog To Avoid Getting In Trouble
I call this one “irrefutable evidence of the depravity of man”. While it may sound ridiculous (which it is), it most definitely is true. And, if you were to google “weird news stories”, I’m sure this one would not be anywhere near the top.
How to Keep Your Spontaneous Prayers from Sounding Aimless and Shallow
This is something that I always struggled with and I am sure others do, too. In this article, Brian Davis really hits it on the head. I was encouraged by this and I hope you are as well.
The Wrath of the Almighty God
While this is the entire conference, it’s the first message that it loads to, a message on Hell from Mark Dever, that I want you to listen to. If you don’t get the wrath of God right, you don’t get the Gospel right.
Teaching Theology to Teens
This is a great read, as I have one teen, one preteen, and two younger children, so I will think about this a lot. Previous experience tells me that children will hear, soak in, and understand a LOT more than you realize. So, when the young children hit their teenage years, they will understand much, much more. Don’t be afraid to talk theology with them.
Why Knowing Your Flock Is Critical to Meaningful Preaching
“The ministry of preaching cannot be divorced from the ministry of soul care; in fact, preaching is actually an extension of soul care. There are a host of reasons why it is important for pastors who want to preach meaningfully to know their flocks as well as they can, but here are three of the most important.”
How Iran Became a Hotspot for Christianity
““In the past two decades, Iran has had the fastest growing church in the world—even though the Bible is illegal,” points out Nima Alizadeh, one of the many Iranian converts to Christianity in the last couple of decades.”
Conversion in the New Testament
“The story of God’s triumph over the serpent promised in the Old Testament (Gen. 3:15) becomes a reality in the New Testament. The Old Testament promised a new covenant, a new creation, a new exodus, and new hearts for God’s people. And there is an inaugurated fulfillment of all of these promises through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is proclaimed in the New Testament.”