It’s Monday Funday….okay, maybe it’s not really that much fun. But it’s still Monday!
My Favorite Read From the Interwebs:
Learning to Forgive Family
I honestly had difficulty picking the best read from the past several days. This won out because it is much harder than people think. And that there is seriousness in not forgiving. This is a powerful article to read or listen to.
How to Fight Well in the War Against Porn
This is a hard battle to fight, one that often seems like one we cannot win. But we can. “Concentrate instead on guarding your heart deep inside. Protect “with all vigilance” a clear conscience before the Lord. Remind yourself— even announce to yourself every day—that he rejoices over you. Whatever insanity is going on around you, his “springs of life” can flow within you and from you to refresh others.“
One-Fifth of United Methodists Schism over LGBT Marriage, Ordination
The ones that are leaving are the conservative ones. The somewhat recent vote that kept the orthodox teaching of sexuality within the official UMC came not because of the US churches but mostly because of those on the African continent. While no one wants to see a split, when a denomination is walking away from orthodoxy, a split is sometimes the only way to go.
Florida Ditched Affirmative Action Years Ago
I grew up in Florida, and I graduated from high school the year that the state outlawed affirmative action…and this article is the first time I’ve heard of this. On the flip side, this does not surprise me at all. This is a good article to read. While it may not translate to national numbers, I think it may be a good foreshadowing taste of what is to come.
What Is Calvinism?
““What is Calvinism?” Any attempt to give just one answer is sure to be wrong. Calvinism is not a church or a denomination. Calvinism is not even (just) a system of doctrine. Instead, Calvinism is a broad religious tradition with certain shared views and points of emphasis. It is doctrinal, churchly, and activistic. Calvinism teaches that the glory and sovereignty of God should come first in all things. Calvinism believes that only God can lead his church—in preaching, worship, and government. And Calvinism expects social change as a result of the proper teaching and discipline of the church.”
Pastor, Aim to Preach Simple Sermons
To me, when a sermon begins to sound like an academic lecture, I tune out; the tune-out is almost like an involuntary reaction. I cannot help it. This has nothing to do with length or depth; it has everything to do with the difference between a lecture and a sermon.
Where Pastors Find Their Worth
“Pastor, you are loved. You are not loved because you’re useful to God. You’re loved simply because he loves you.”
Looking For A Few Good Men
“One of the most significant human dynamics in the church’s continuing spiritual growth and health is the kind of leadership it is following. When biblically qualified men are leading a church with character and skill, it is a deep and wide blessing for the unity, holiness, and spiritual growth of the church. Put somewhat negatively, so many potential mistakes and heartaches can be avoided simply by ensuring that only those men who are biblically qualified become elders.”