A lot is happening in the world, and here is a thin slice of things that caught my attention.
Today’s Top Read:
Hoping in God When Our Heroes Die
I had a hard time choosing which article I’ve read this week among the many more that aren’t even on The Weekly Nerd, that would be my top read. I chose this one because of the profound impact the question posed to John Piper and his response can have on more people than, I think, would like to admit. This is an excellent article that is equal parts encouraging and convicting.
What the Mightiest Man Could Never Do
I’m not crying…you’re crying! This one made me really tear up, as it is such an apt description of Jesus and the Gospel.
Why I Am Still a Baptist
“Some of my best friends and my most admired heroes of the Christian faith believe in the practice of baptizing infants and bringing them into the membership of the church apart from any profession of faith. My love and respect for these dear brothers and venerable men of God has on more than one occasion inclined me to reconsider whether they’ve got it right and I’ve got it wrong.“
3 Things That Must Change in the American Justice System
Honestly, I can think of a lot more than three…but nonetheless, this is a good and challenging read regarding justice in America. The three changes laid out in this article are one that are definitely needed, and probably among the contenders for the top needs of criminal justice reform in this country.
Why Do We Get Baptized One Time but Take Communion Many Times?
This is actually a question that I have pondered many times, but never too deeply. My understanding has always been in line with the article, that Baptism is what ultimately brings one to the table. We are only immersed into Christ once, while we are called to participate in the Lord’s Supper regularly.