Welcome! We are almost half-way through level 4, um, I mean, April!
This week on the Blog: Paul: Persecutor to Proselytizer
Tuesday’s Top Read:
Why Reading is a Lost Art
In this article, Glenda Faye Mathes really knocks it out of the park.
“In reality, thoughtful reading is becoming a lost art. Even if we’re reading more, it’s primarily on screens. We scroll through social media and scan online text, barely processing one thought before a hyperlink jerks us to the next. Artful reading is dying. Many people believe it’s drawing a final breath on its deathbed.”
Conservative United Methodists Plan Breakaway Denomination
Given the massive liberal drift that the United Methodists in the United States has been experiencing, I am gladdened to hear this. While I hope and pray those driving the denomination into sin will realize the error of their ways and repent, the action being taken by the conservatives within is as necessary as it is right.
What Is Self-Discipline?
Steve Lawson over at Ligonier MInistries really does a great job in talking about self-discipline and the need for it in the Christian life. I am especially loving of this article because I agree with the great need for it in the Church today. As Lawson wrote, “It is the control a believer must exercise over his life (Gal. 5:23).”
A Highschooler Invents Infection-Detecting, Color-Changing Sutures
“Dasia Taylor has juiced about three dozen beets in the last 18 months. The root vegetables, she’s found, provide the perfect dye for her invention: suture thread that changes color, from bright red to dark purple, when a surgical wound becomes infected.”
Is Wokeness the Greatest Threat to the Gospel?
This is an incredible read, pointing us to remember our jobs as His under-shepherds.
The Science Regarding the Silent Treatment
This only reinforces why I think we need to live out Proverbs 27:6 in our lives, being willing to say what is needed and not hide behind silence. Hiding hurts.
Christian Campus Group Wins In Court
A great article on a win for religious freedoms on the campus(es) of our nations higher education.