Welcome to the first Weekly Nerd on the reboot of my website!
On the Blog: My review of Dane Ortlund’s Gentle and Lowly.
Monday’s Top Read:
Croissants and Original Sin…
“It struck me as a rather tangible, or even tasteable, illustration of a biblical truth. The Bible teaches that Adam and Eve as the progenitors of us all, have impacted all successive generations. Their disobedience has infected all of mankind. Like the yeast used to flavour the millions of croissants so their sin has ‘flavoured’ us all.”
The Countries Where It’s Most Dangerous to Be a Christian in 2021
“Around the world, more than 340 million Christians—one of every eight believers—experience high levels of persecution, just for following Jesus.”
Faith That Satisfies – and Saves
A sermon from the pastor and author John Piper on Faith. This is a great message to hear (or read), and is highly edifying to Christians.
How Discipleship Yields Restoration
“Luke (the author of Acts) then describes how the Spirit guides and empowers the first Christians to carry out their mandate of gathering a new people of God composed not only of Israelites but also of people from the earth’s many nations.”
For the Christian Who Is Afraid To Die
“There is little we can know scientifically about what happens after we die. There are no experiments we can carry out that offer conclusive evidence of what happens when the eyes close for the final time, when the heart at last stops beating. We know, of course, that the body will immediately begin to decline and decay, but what of the consciousness, what of the soul, what of that part of a person that makes him what he most truly is? It is that uncertainty that, for so many, leads to fear of death.”
The Importance of Physically Present, in-Person Church
“However, in light of God’s glory and salvation, Christians are to prioritize gathering for in-person worship as a regular way of life in New Testament local churches. Here are ten thoughts on why God would have his people prioritize in-person worship.”
How Do I Explain the Trinity to Children?
“The Trinity is mysterious, of course, to us adults. God is infinite. We can never fully understand him or get to the bottom of his mysteries. Moreover, God is unique. He alone is the Creator. He alone is not dependent on the world or anything in it. Nothing within the created world serves as a complete model or analogy for him.”